I'm not sure the exact grade it was when I first met Wes, but I think it was around 2nd or 3rd grade when Wes and everyone was in Gate with Mrs. Yumul and I wasn't. So obviously I was jealous of everyone there! But I think our friendship truly began in middle school. I've known Wes for a really long time, and I've always considered him a true friend and perhaps one of my best friends growing up!
Wes had that special trait that not many people have in this life and that was true leadership through love and humility. Wes touched so many peoples lives during his brief time on Earth that its still crazy to think of him as being gone. People who knew of Wes, but didn't hang out with him when they found out that he had passed all had the same response. It was always "Man, Wes was a really great guy!" That's how Wes impacted the lives of everyone in Spring Valley growing up, people who were acquaintances of Wes were deeply saddened that he passed. Honestly, no one else that I know of could have this same impact and Wes did this through his unwaivering love for everyone despite their religious or other differences.
I wish I had pictures of us hanging out together to post on this memorial blog, but unfortunately I never took pictures so all I have are my memories and countless stories of Wes and our times in the Rumpus Room. If I could talk to Wes now I would thank him for many things. I would thank Wes for being a true friend during our childhood. I would thank Wes for allowing me to be a part of his group of friends despite not being Mormon. I would thank Wes for accepting me and a few others for who we are and not forcing his beliefs upon us yet rather help us come to our own beliefs. And I would thank him for all of the good times we had together and being a great influence on my life.
I hope his family take solace in everyone's stories that Wes still lives on in the memory of those he touched. And I hope his children keep this remembrance so when they grow up they know how great a man their father was.
I write this with tears in my eyes knowing you're in a better place. Take care Wes until we all meet again.
Dan Drake
Dan - I really appreciate this post, especially about how Wes respected other people's beliefs. I felt exactly that way too. He struck the perfect balance.