Friday, July 22, 2011

Cousin Lori

My cousin Lori is the most darling and righteous person I have ever met. I remember joking with my family when we were younger that Lori would NEVER find a husband worthy of her. But, we were VERY wrong! Wes was the PERFECT match for Lori! Wes loves Lori and Lori loves Wes.

I remember sitting at their guest book with my cousin Whitney at their wedding reception. I remember just watching the two of them together and thinking to myself, “I hope I can find a husband like Wes.” He was so gentle, but definitely a man. His eyes would absolutely light up every time he looked at Lori. I remember telling my mom at their wedding that I thought they were the cutest couple EVER! Both my mom and my aunt agreed and said it was because they were both so good!

A few years later I was able to take Calculus with Wes down at BYU. He was always so nice to save me a seat twice a week, help me with questions (so I wouldn’t have to raise my hand in a class of over 100 people), and just talk with me between classes. I think that class had the potential to be the worst class I ever took at BYU, but because Wes was there it was the best. He always had a way to make me feel like I was the most important person in the world, and no matter how hard I would try to turn the conversations to him, he always found a way to turn the conversations back to ME, asking how I was doing in my other classes, dating, etc.

We LOVE Wes AND Lori. They have been more than amazing examples to me and to my family. Every time things seemed overwhelming, or I felt discouraged I would just think about Wes and Lori. I would read and reread their for words of encouragement.
As I think about Wes’ passing I think about the Truman’s family home evening lesson on the Plan of Salvation. You can read her whole post here, but I just want to share part of what Lori wrote.

“We talked about what happens when people die. We talked about the spirit world. We discussed the reality of the Savior's resurrection and the reassuring truth that we can be together with people we love even after the separation of death. It was a meaningful, memorable conclusion to our little series of field-trips - maybe my favorite of them all. The cemetery proved the perfect spot to testify that Christ will truly come to earth again and that resurrection will really happen.”

What is this thing called death
This quiet passing in the night?
Tis not the end but genesis
of better worlds and greater light.

O God, touch Thou my aching heart
And calm my troubled, haunting fears.
Let hope and faith, transcendent, pure,
Give strength and peace beyond my tears.

There is no death, but only change,
With recompense for vict’ry won.
The gift of Him who loved all men,
The Son of God, the Holy One.
Gordon B. Hinckley

Love to you Lori. Our heart aches with you and for you. Thank you for your example of unwavering faith. Love and prayers. “The Gospel’s True, and WE LOVE YOU!!” Love, Darin, Haylee, Matt, and Lindsay Gunnerson

Haylee Gunnerson

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this post by Haylee. It's totally true.
